Pocket Guides & Slides

November 2023

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Slide Sets

Guideline content slide sets: If you are giving a talk that addresses content related to the content in the NYSDOH SI guidelines,  please feel free to download and use one of the slide sets below. New slide sets will be added as guideline updates or new guidelines are published.

About the NYSDOH AI guidelines program: Are you giving a talk to an audience that would benefit from knowing about the Clinical Guidelines Program? If so, please consider downloading the About the Program (promotional) slides and incorporating mention of the program into your talk.

Pocket Guides

HIV Testing & Acute HIV

HIV Treatment


Hepatitis Care

Primary & Specialty HIV Care

HPV-Related Cancer Prevention

Sexual Health Care

Download a Slide Set Download a Pocket Guide

Perinatal HIV Prevention

Substance Use Care

Last updated on July 23, 2024